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  • entrepreneurship
23 August 2023

Radiate Assurance: 5 Techniques for Commanding the Stage with Confidence


When it comes to delivering a message, confidence is key. Whether you’re presenting to a small group or speaking to a large audience, your ability to exude assurance and command the stage can make all the difference in how your message is received. In this article, we will explore five techniques that will help you radiate assurance and become a leader people want to follow. From dressing the part to using simple language, these strategies will elevate your presence and ensure your message resonates with your audience.

Dress 25% Better

Your attire speaks volumes about your professionalism and attention to detail. While it’s important to dress appropriately for the occasion, aiming to dress 25% better than anyone else in the room will ensure you stand out and leave a lasting impression. This doesn’t mean you have to wear extravagant or flashy clothing, but rather focus on being slightly more polished than your peers. A well-fitted suit or a carefully selected ensemble can make a significant difference in how others perceive your confidence and competence.

Pace Your Speech

The way you speak plays a crucial role in how your message is received. Speaking too fast can undermine your credibility and make it difficult for your audience to follow along. On the other hand, speaking too slowly can come across as monotonous and disengaging. Finding the right pace for your speech is essential. Take the time to articulate your words clearly, allowing your audience to absorb your message effectively. Practice speaking at a moderate pace, ensuring your words flow naturally and confidently.

Use Simple Language

Complex ideas don’t require convoluted language. In fact, using simple words to articulate your thoughts can enhance your credibility and make your message more accessible to a broader audience. Avoid jargon and lengthy, complicated sentences that may confuse or alienate your listeners. Instead, focus on expressing your ideas clearly and concisely. Remember, true mastery lies in the ability to convey complex concepts in a way that anyone can understand.

Rehearse in Front of Others

Even the most seasoned speakers can benefit from a dress rehearsal. Prior to an important presentation, gather a few trusted individuals to watch and provide feedback. This can be done in your office or even your living room. Simulating the presence of an audience, even at a low level, will help you acclimate to the pressure of delivering the real deal. It allows you to identify areas for improvement and fine-tune your delivery, ensuring you exude confidence and composure on the actual stage.

Maintain an Open Posture

Your body language speaks volumes about your confidence and presence. To radiate assurance, it’s important to maintain an open posture. Avoid crossing your arms or keeping your hands in your pockets, as these gestures can signal defensiveness or lack of engagement. Instead, use natural and authentic hand gestures to emphasize your points. Keep your shoulders back, stand tall, and make eye contact with your audience. A confident posture will not only enhance your message but also establish a strong connection with your listeners.


Becoming a confident and commanding speaker takes time and practice. By incorporating these five techniques into your presentation skills repertoire, you can radiate assurance and captivate your audience. Remember to dress 25% better, pace your speech, use simple language, rehearse in front of others, and maintain an open posture. Confidence is contagious, and when you exude it, you become a leader that people want to follow. So step onto the stage with assurance, and watch as your message resonates with impact and influence.